Famous Food of Nagaland | Nagaland Food

Nagaland food

The List of famous food of Nagaland included Axone, Samathu, Zutho,Galho etc. Nagaland’s dishes are mostly oil-free and less spicy. This mountainous state has a special love for rice. Boiling or steaming is the most common method of cooking. Rice and Pork are a staple food for the Naga people. The traditional food of Nagaland … Read more

Famous Food of Tripura | Tripura Food

Tripura Food

A Brief About the Famous food of Tripura : Famous food of Tripura includes Poad Pitha, Mui Borok, Gudok , Chuak etc. Tripura Cuisine adds dishes made of rice, pulses, vegetables, meat, chutney, and local herbs. They also use fermented fish in their Cuisine. It is a bit salty and spicy in taste. This fermented … Read more

Famous Food of Sikkim : From Phagshapa to Niguru

Sikkim Food

In this blog, we’ll take you on a culinary journey through Sikkim’s famous food, highlighting the must-try dishes that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you wanting more. The food of Sikkim is an amalgamation of indigenous ingredients and cooking techniques, creating a delightful range of flavours and textures. From spicy stews to steamed … Read more

Famous food of Assam | Top 10 Assam Food

Assamese food

The food of Assam is predominantly influenced by the indigenous communities of the region, as well as the neighbouring states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and Mizoram. One of the most distinctive features of Assamese cuisine is the use of a variety of fresh herbs and spices, including ginger, garlic, turmeric, cumin, and coriander. Fermented & … Read more

Arunachal Pradesh Food | 12 Famous Food of Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh food

Lukter, pasa, Nagtok,Wungwut are some famous Arunachal Pradesh food. Fermented foods are an intrinsic part of Arunachal Pradesh food. Various types of fermented food and beverage are consumed by the local tribes. This tribal cuisine includes dishes made of rice, Pork, fish, meat & Local green vegetables. Bamboo shoots are one of the main ingredients … Read more