Famous Food of Nagaland | Nagaland Food

The List of famous food of Nagaland included Axone, Samathu, Zutho,Galho etc.

Nagaland’s dishes are mostly oil-free and less spicy.

This mountainous state has a special love for rice.

Boiling or steaming is the most common method of cooking.

Rice and Pork are a staple food for the Naga people.

The traditional food of Nagaland includes rice, pork, dog meat, fermented soybeans, and bamboo shoots.

List of 18 Famous Food of Nagaland

01. Samathu – Pork Based Nagaland dish

This is a Traditional Non-Vegetarian food of Nagaland. In this dish, Pork meat is the main ingredient. This food belongs from Sema/Sumi district of “Sema” Tribe of Nagaland. Samathu is a delicious spicy pork curry food with a Smokey flavor.

One of the unique food from Nagaland Cuisine. The dish uses smoked pork. Smoked pork is cooked at a low temperature with other spices.

Usage of bamboo shoot vinegar makes this dish distinct in taste. With rice and ginger chutney, Samathu is served as a traditional South Indian meal. If any pork lover looking for a new variation in Pork dish, he should try Samathu.

02. Hinkejvu- Coclocasis Based Naga Dish

This is the famous vegetarian food of Nagaland. The dish is a colocasia and beans curry dish. This Veg food is one of the Healthiest food from Nagaland Cuisine. This leafy dish is prepared with many Vegetables.

Vegetables used for this dish are Cabbage leaves, Colocasia, Mustard leaves & French Beans. Hinkeju is a very simple and easy-to-cook dish. All the Vegetables are boiled together with salt and Chillis.

This traditional food of Nagaland is Very popular in every household, and it is a part of their life routine. I believe this simple dish will satiate your taste buds.

03. Axone- Fermented dish from

Axone is also Known as Akhuni. This is the word of Sumi Dialect. Sumi is a Popular tribe of Nagaland. Axone means “Strong aroma“ or deep smell”. It is an important ingredient of Nagaland cuisine.

Axone is made of Soybeans. Soybeans are very common in Nagaland. And it is a great source of protein. Axone is prepared with the fermentation of Soybeans. For that, fresh soybeans are boiled and kept for fermentation for the next 7-8 days.

These fermented Soybeans have a Pungent Smell. What makes it very special. A paste is prepared with fermented soybeans. And it is used in many dishes of Nagaland cuisine to enhance the taste.Naga food is mostly meat/pork and fish dishes.

This is not only popular among the Sumi Tribe, but also in other tribes of Nagaland. This paste is also used to make pickles, chutney. It is the most famous food of Nagaland and other north-east regions.

04. Amrusu

Amrusu is a famous rice Porridge. The Dish is highly Nutritious and filling with protein. This is traditional food is of local Tribal. Especially among AO Tribe. It is their signature dish.

This Delicious food Amrusu is made with rice & Bamboo shoots. Or Bamboo shoots can be replaced with chicken, dried fish, or prawns. In Nagaland dishes, Spices are less. Most of the foods are either boiled or steamed cooked.

Rice is soaked in water for some time. On the other hand, chicken is boiled with bamboo shoot juice. Later, rice is grounded and mixed with chicken. Later, this mix is cooked with salt and chilies. And your hot soupy dish is ready to eat.

05. Galho

Galho Khichdi is from Nagaland cuisine. Locals love this dish very much. This dish belongs to “Angami” Tribe.

It is believed that they are the original creator of this dish. Khichdi to Made of Vegetables, Green leaves, Rice, Meat & without meat.

This authentic local dish is incomplete without fermented soybean called axons. Fermented bamboo shoots are also used in other variations of this dish.

This is a very simple and single-pot dish. All the ingredients are cooked together with salt, Ginger garlic paste, and Chillies. This healthy and leafy dish is full of Nutritious. It is eaten at lunch and dinner.

06. Bamboo Steamed Fish

One more food of Nagaland in which bamboo shoots are used. In this food recipe, bamboo tubes are used to cook the fish.

Marinated fish were put into a bamboo tube. Smoke is used to cook this dish. It is a unique style of cooking. The smokey cooking gives a distinct taste to food & make it unforgettable.

07. Nashi Shi Lon

It is a Non-vegetarian chutney. Nashi Shi Lion is made with smoked beef. This chutney is also known as sukha mangso. Beef is roast in an open flame for a smokey flavor.

Other ingredients of the dish, Tomatoes, and chillis are also roasted and pounded in a mortar. After that, roasted chicken is shredded and mixed with it. This Traditional and Lip-smacking chutney is very common in every household.

08. Bushmeat

If you are a dog lover, then this not good news for you. Bushmeat is dog meat. In India, Nagaland is the state where people enjoy dog meat. Bushmeat is a very popular dish in Nagaland, like beef, chicken. Locals are quite crazy about this food.

In Dimapur, you can find bush meat very easily on Wednesday Market.

09. Akini Chokibo

“Akini Chakini Chokibo” is a Non-Vegetarian delicacy of Nagaland. “Snail Meat” is the main ingredient of this food.

In the local language, Akini Refer to perilla seeds, and chokibo means snails. Perilla seeds are Silam Plant. Perilla seeds and snail are cooked together.

It is an authentic food of Nagaland. In other variations of this dish, pork and fermented soybean are also used.

10. Pork Curry

Curry dish based on Pork from Nagaland. This special pork curry dish is made of fermented bamboo or soybean with spices. It is consumed with hot rice.

11. Rosep Aon

This is a mixed vegetable dish. This is a Traditional food of Nagaland. It is made of dried fish, vegetables, and Bamboo shoots. Rosep means “dry” and Aon refer to “dish”.

12. Crabs Cakes

Surprised, yes it is a crab cake. It is a Traditional dish of Nagaland. Crabmeat with some other herbs is used with the cake ingredient. This delicious sweet dish is quite distinct and amazing.

13. Raja Mircha (Bhut Jolokia ) Pickle

This pickle is extremely special. It is unique in the world. This delicious pickle is prepared from” Naga Morich” also known as “Bhut Jolokia”.

Bhut Jolokia is the hottest chilli pepper in the world. Naga Morich is mix with cumin, mustard, fennel & other spices. After grinding & mixing the ingredient, this spicy pickle is left in sunlight for fermentation.

14. Ghost Chilli sauce

This is the spiciest sauce in the world. The sauce is made of the world’s hottest chilli, “Bhut Jholakia”. That is found in Nagaland.

This famous sauce is prepared with other ingredients like garlic, onions, and Other herbs.

It is served as a side dish with launch, dinner, or breakfast. So, are you ready to taste it?

15. Pumpkin Oambal

Another chutney from Naga cuisine. This one is prepared from Pumpkin. Tamarind, Naga Mirch, Mustard, etc. are the other ingredient for this chutney. Mostly eaten with the pork dishes. It is a famous food of Nagaland.

16. Aikibeye

Another spice-free food in Nagaland cuisine. The main ingredient of the dish is colocasia. In Nagaland, colocasia and pork are very Popular food ingredients. Naga people loved this very much.

The dish is very simple & easy to cook. Sema community are creators of this recipe.This tasty, thick Gravy, oil-free dish, is cooked in a single pot. After boiling the colocasia.

It is cooked with mustard leaf & Salt. It is eaten with rice and Non-vegetarian Pickle Samuthu. In some variations Of this dish, Bamboo shoots or Pork are also used.

17. Zutho

Zutho is the Local alcoholic drink of Nagaland. It is the local beer of the State. Zutho is made with fermented rice. It’s not only famous in the state, but all over the north-east as well. This beer is most popular among Angami Nagas.

18. Black Sticky Rice

If you are looking for dessert in Naga Cuisine, this dish is for you. Black sticky rice pudding. This sweet dish is prepared along with dry fruits.

This northeastern state of India is a neighbour of Myanmar, Bhutan, and China. People here like to tart food. The home of the World’s hottest chilli “Bhut Jholkiya” is in Nagaland.

Locals love it in the form of chutney and sauce. It is easily available in the market. Boiled vegetables, bamboo shoots, and a combo of this with meat are very popular.

Fermented soybeans “Akhuni” is an essential part of Nagaland food. They add this paste to many dishes to enhance the taste of the recipe.

If you are health conscious and want to eat oil-free food, you can try the food of Nagaland.

Here we have listed the 18 most famous food of Nagaland. Nagaland has more than sixteen tribes. Each tribe has its own culture and eating habits. Every Naga dish is varied from tribe to tribe.

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